Saturday, November 24, 2012

Goals: They're your ETA. Get Going.

I don't know many Endurance athletes who don't have goals. I've been even trying to fathom how you even go about training for an Endurance event without them? In my opinion nearly impossible. Goals are dreams with deadlines. More than that they're your ETA.

Signing up for a race counts. Completing an interval run and holding 2-3sec splits is a goal. The nutrition plan, yup that's one too. Especially when you list it our for every mile. All the way down to the setting of the alarm clock for 4am the night before the big day is a tangible goal. The goal being it goes off in time :)

Personally, I look at goals as my ETA - estimated time of arrival...

A. the result or achievement toward which EFFORT is directed; aim. Every goal takes effort. Whether its shitty or consistent there's some sort of effort directed at the intention. The degree of your effort demonstrates the positive or negative results of the day. Not to it's entirety, but probably close to the 98% achievement threshold. Endurance events require effort in training, nutrition, and in being honest with yourself. The stronger the effort the faster you get to that goal. 

B. the TERMINAL point in a race. Crossing the finish line determines the success of the goal. With any goal we set there has to be some sort of measure-ability. For some, just finishing a half marathon is the terminal point, for others getting under a 4-hour marathon is the mark. Terminal means "the deciding" point. This point decides if you've arrived at your goal or your back to the training schedule.

 C.the ACT of throwing, carrying, kicking, driving, etc., a ball or puck into such an area or object. I am almost positive that for the very best of goals that I've achieved I was kicking and driving to meet that mark. If you want something as bad as you want to breathe you will be successful. Goals require ACTION. They require sacrifice. The more you're willing to sacrifice the quicker you'll arrive.

Goals are your ETA. Greater the Effort along with Terminal feedback and your amount of action determine how quickly you'll reach your goals. Get going... 

Run Education Sidebar
Ever wonder what to tell people about Running Mechanics? Could you answer someone off the street if they asked you how to run? For the most part every other movement is treated as a skill. Why not running too people? 

Most Recent Race Experience

Oh the Turkey Trot, Thanksgiving tradition. Last year I was unable to race due to a stress fracture, but this year coming off Ironman I am feeling closer and closer to full potential. Not only is running the Turkey Trot Tradition, but so is finishing in 2nd Overall! This year was quite unique because I lost this race by literally 1second. Yes 1second photo finish kind of stuff. Unreal. 

Race: Hilton Head Island Turkey Trot 
Day: 11.22.2012 8am Start 
Time: 36:29 (Pace 5:55) 
1st Overall: 36:28

I am taking this one and learning from it because as a CFE athlete I shouldn't lose by a second. The fact of the matter is the 22year old Bates College (in Maine) Runner had me on this day. The HHI Turkey Trot finishes with all the 5K runners and there also happens to be a hard right into the finish line (about 150m to the line). I should have gotten on the inside edge  or even surged earlier. The legs just didn't seem to have it. All and all though who can be ungrateful for a 2nd overall finish? and to be healthy? Not this guy. 

Best race experience - had to be seeing one of my Hilton Head Health guys I have been training complete his first 5K running the whole entire way. I've been pushing Michael hard the last 4weeks and I truly think he's surprised himself with how much he's been able to do and how quickly he's improved. Straight up CrossFit style training coupled with a bunch of Fitness Classes and healthy eating this guy ended up finishing under 40minutes too!! Goes back to the ETA. Michaels effort and actions led to the terminal result on Thanksgiving Day.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Book Review: Power Speed ENDURANCE

I couldn't have been more pumped when I found Power Speed Endurance in my mailbox last week. I've quickly read thru the book front to back and would recommend it to all Endurance athletes, coaches and those in the Endurance community. Its for someone who is open to new perspective. In the past, I've struggled with Triathlon Training or Marathon Training type books because they sometimes take it over the top, get too wordy and are boring. One example of a book of that sort was the "Triathletes Bible" (I think there's like 20 editions now or something) Anyways, I found myself quite overwhelmed. Power Speed Endurance is a heck of a lot different. In a good way.

Power Speed Endurance not only takes a completely different approach on Endurance training, but the books lays it out where it should flat out make sense to the every triathlete. The book is backed up by science and focuses on strength and conditioning as and the skill within the sports. CrossFit Endurance is sometimes quite difficult to explain to the typical LSD Endurance athlete, but this book simplifies it.The book is setup focusing on all sections of SKILL which include running, cycling, swimming, strength and conditioning and mobility. The mobility section is gold. I think it will blow the minds of people who aren't currently using bands, lacrosse balls or PVC rollers. Most athletes.

In the Endurance community skill is often overlooked so I was pumped to see that it was the heart of the focus in this book! The end of book breaks down valuable nutrition protocols and then finishes with the implementation of CrossFit Endurance training. So what did I like most?

Obviously I am into this stuff. I knew most of the material before reading. I mean this is the way I train, teach and program, but this book is now my number one go to resource. What I like most is now I have a tangible resource for training. I've gathered new ideas for team workouts and for my personal triathlon training. I didn't have a huge knowledge of swim technique, but Chris Michelmore's description in the book helps a ton. How can you argue with a book that within each section has an expert leading the discussion? This is a MUST for any Endurance coach because the case studies will help reinforce target training with your athletes.

That said, it's time for you to pull the trigger on a purchase. The pictures, descriptions of skill, drills, workouts and information provided is absolutely invaluable. You'll learn a lot and understand why this method of training truly works. If these posts regarding my training and all the Team Less Miles More CrossFit  PRs aren't enough to convince you then this book will do the trick!

Like anything in life it's all about TESTING. If you've been debating taking the plunge, now you've got no excuses, Power Speed Endurance is on the market ... GO TEST!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Sav Rock N Roll: Start a Team!

This past weekend marked two big milestones for CFHH Endurance "Less Miles, More CrossFit" First off, our team had our third "A" race of its existence (the best ever) and second of all it marked the one year anniversary of our initiation as the first CFE team in South Carolina. How cool right? Time will always go by faster than you think. Not telling you anything you don't already know...

Running a CrossFit Endurance Team is no easy task, especially if you want to do it right. What I do know about it is that it takes three things:
1) People - coaches, athletes and supporters
2) Organization - by the coaches
3) Dedication - from all of the above

Let's break it down...

CFHH is blessed with a head coach who has a vision. He allows his coaches and members to run with their ideas and more importantly their GOALS. If you want to create a beast of a specialty program this where you start. Find a head coach who has vision. After that it takes a couple of coaches who have passion for a new program. Both Sarah Drilling and I have passion for our athletes. We have a sincere draw to the programming and how its changed our perspective on Endurance training. It makes sense to us. In order to change perspective in others you must first be passionate about it yourself. People feed off that stuff!


CFHH- Endurance could not have started without the first followers. It's like one of my favorite Ted Talk "How to Create a Movement" Check it out...

People are excited when you're excited. They match and pick up what you put down. The early adoption of athletes becoming consistent with your programming is key. You wanting to be there and showing an interest in them is important. All you need is that first follower to make an endurance team flourish. After that, the rest takes care of itself. 

These are the folks that really put you on the map. The athletes in the gym who aren't on the team; however they always ask you how the last team race went. People in your box won't see your Endurance Program as "real" unless the coaches and other athletes support the movement. At the Savannah Rock N Roll this weekend, we had over 15 athletes in attendance just for support! This one guy whose been struggling with shin splints so pumped to see his teammates run took the time to come down, woke up at 5am, took the ferry, carried all our CFHH-E custom jackets and waited at the finish line. When you have support like that around you then you're clicking... Oh an let's not forget about the Coach in our gym that at MAXIMUM runs 400meters. Ya he was there. Open arms with a few beers for the team right after. Awesome support!


When we first started this gig Coach Craig said no matter what it has to be organized. I agreed and was surprised that he didn't know that organization was my middle name. Here are the steps you need to take when first starting a team (I won't give away all the secrets just yet):

1) Pick a single consistent class time. You should meet 3 days per week maximum (to start). What you need to do is draw the athletes together. We started out with two separate class times and in the beginning only having 2-3 athletes at each class wasn't building the team. Keep it simple. 1 Short Interval Class, 1 Long Interval and then your Tempo or TT class on the weekend.Centralize it.
2) Set up a group email list. Not many will respond to your emails, but people don't start to pay attention or become consistent unless they see you being consistent. When it comes to endurance there are always updates. If you can't find any makem up or just say hello to your team!! You could always email them to buy the newest book, Power, Speed, Endurance by BMACK.
3) Buy group singlets for your runners. Yes if you have a CFE team, shirts are recommended. Make them unique and sharp. Design them with your Box logo and then add in some CFE tidbits. This is not only good promotion for your box, but it will make your team look badass.
4) Plan out "A" Races. I don't mean perodize your programming towards a race. What I mean is pick an important race to gear your athletes focus. Plan from the CFE page and adjust based off your athletes goals and progression. Always remind them CrossFit is the base. Have them attend "B" Races to test their training. Goals are dreams with deadlines.

5) Establish all athlete benchmarks. People like to know when they are improving. When they PR you feel like you're PRing. That's half the reason why people show up to CrossFit. They want to PR. Let them know when they do. Acknowledge recent PRs in your weekly email updates.Create an athlete PR board SPECIFIC for Endurance.


“Dedication is not what others expect of you, it is what you can give to others.” It goes back to passion. Do you really want to run a CFE Team? Are you willing to pace an entire marathon with one of your athletes? Will you be there 3 days a week no questions asked? Will you give up some sleep to plan out the workouts for the next week? 

Over the course of this year, I have found the coaches, athletes, and supporters to be nothing but dedicated. Every single one of our athletes roots on the runner next to them. We had a newcomer just this morning feel the comraderie that the CFHH-Endurance team provides. Its awesome. That's CrossFit Hilton Head style.

What I've also found is that the athletes who follow the programming to the "T" do nothing, but PR and progress. Training and coaching, all it takes is dedication and hard work. We learn the skills if we work hard at them. Nothing we do not know. All I am saying is make sure its there. In your coaches first, athletes second and finish with the supporters...

Savannah Rock N Roll Half and Full Marathon RECAP:

Incredible day. Had about 16 athletes lace up for the race. Tried to place down all the results, but let's just say half the group PRd and the other half completed their first half or full marathon!!

Mike C - Sub 3:05 Finish
David N - 1st Full! 
Lynn N - 4:00:50 1st Full!
Kate N - 3:59:18  1st Full!
Ed R- rough day, but finished strong!
Half Marathon
Ashley C - 2:10 - Roughly 19min PR
Kaitlen G - 1:58 - 10min PR
Brianna - 1st HALF! 
Ashley R - 1st HALF!
Anne L - 1st HALF!
Tara C - 1st Half!
Lizzie - 1st HalF!
Jason S -  1:34 - 4 1/2minute PR (by the way he rolled his ankle 3days prior and still PRd)
J Ford - 1:23:27 22nd Overall- 5min off PR
(I did only 2 run specific workouts since Ironman. Shows you that you don't lose that much. Its a power thing gang)

All I am saying with this post is that tt's pretty cool to have an Endurance team. What are you waiting for? They'll allow you to learn a lot about yourself and how cool is it when athletes trust the programming and cross the line with flying colors!!